About us


Bryce and Chelsea

Hey our names are Bryce and Chelsea.

We have been travelling around Australia since March 2020 living a nomadic and minimalistic lifestyle. We have a Next-Gen Ford Ranger and 2004 Roadstar caravan.

Over the last 3 years we have been creating content for both Youtube and Instagram. We set off with the mission to take footage for friends and family, plus have a creative outlet / hobby while travelling full time.

Since then we have been lucky enough to develop a following organically through these digital platforms and connect with likeminded people on a daily basis. So thank you!

On our travels we do stop and work. Work is a huge part of living this free lifestyle. Bryce is a plumber and Chelsea a Barista. When we fall in love with a location we just simply stop and work for a while.

If you see us on the road please make sure to come say hey!